Invitation to the Red/Blue Teaming Drone Countermeasure Exercise
Simulating Real-World Drone Threats for Law Enforcement CUAS Operators & Decision Makers
We are excited to invite you to an exclusive Red/Blue Teaming Drone Countermeasure Exercise, designed specifically for law enforcement CUAS operators and decision makers. This cutting-edge event offers a unique, hands-on opportunity to test and refine your capabilities in countering real-world drone threats in dynamic, high-pressure scenarios.
Sevilla, Spain 12-15 May 2025
San Diego, US 8-12 September 2025
What to Expect:
This live, action-packed exercise will feature real-time drone threat simulations where you will experience both the offensive and defensive aspects of modern Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (CUAS) operations:
- Red Team (Offensive): A team of skilled drone operators will simulate various threats, from surveillance and smuggling to more complex challenges like swarm attacks and electronic warfare tactics.
- Blue Team (Defensive): Your role as a CUAS operator will involve deploying the latest drone detection, identification, and neutralization technologies to protect critical infrastructure, public safety, and law enforcement operations.
Key Exercise Features:
- Hands-On Simulation: Engage in live Red/Blue team exercises with multiple drone threat scenarios.
- Real-World Scenarios: Test your tactical decision-making in situations like urban drone swarms, no-fly zone breaches, and hostile drone activity.
- Collaborative Learning: Share strategies with fellow professionals while testing new technologies and countermeasures.
- Expert Analysis & Feedback: Receive insights from industry leaders and tactical experts on best practices and areas for improvement.
Key Exercise Features:
- Hands-On Simulation: Engage in live Red/Blue team exercises with multiple drone threat scenarios.
- Real-World Scenarios: Test your tactical decision-making in situations like urban drone swarms, no-fly zone breaches, and hostile drone activity.
- Collaborative Learning: Share strategies with fellow professionals while testing new technologies and countermeasures.
- Expert Analysis & Feedback: Receive insights from industry leaders and tactical experts on best practices and areas for improvement.
Key Takeaways:
- Evolving Threat Landscape: Drones are continuously evolving in terms of capability, size, and tactics. The exercise will showcase how countermeasures need to adapt and evolve to keep pace with new threats like AI-driven drones, autonomous drone swarms, or miniaturized surveillance devices.
- Rules of Engagement: Both Red and Blue teams must be aware of the legalities of using countermeasures, especially in civilian areas. Shooting down drones or using jamming technology can be prohibited or highly regulated.
- Collateral Damage: The exercise may highlight how certain countermeasures can cause collateral damage to unintended targets (e.g., disrupting communication signals, affecting nearby aircraft).
- Civilian Safety: Drones in civilian airspace must be handled with care, and any countermeasure must consider civilian safety to avoid harm.
Why Attend?
- Enhance Your Operational Readiness: Sharpen your skills in identifying, tracking, and neutralizing drone threats in real-time.
- Refine Your Tactical Decision-Making: Understand the challenges and opportunities of managing drone incidents under pressure.
- Stay Ahead of Emerging Threats: Learn from the latest technological advancements and evolving tactics in drone defense.
This is a must-attend event for law enforcement professionals involved in safeguarding public safety and critical infrastructure from drone threats.
Information about registration:
Please register either as an attendee or your interest to exhibit and demonstrate your capacity that you wish to demonstrate.
Every registration will be reviewed and approval for participation. After your registration has been approved more information about the event will be provided.
For general information pls reach out to project manager, Anders Martinsen (
We look forward to receiving your application for this exciting and highly interactive event. Together, let’s enhance our readiness to face the growing challenges of drone technology.
Solution providers:
Highlights from Security Summit 2022

Espen Olsen fra UAS Norway flyr med en DJI Matrice 30 like ved sensorene til Dedrone på havnen i Sandnes under Security Summit 2022. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

Dedrone sine sensorer hadde selvsagt ingen problemer med å finne dronen som Espen Olsen fra UAS Norway fløy med på kaien i Sandnes under Security Summit, men utstyret fant dronen når den var flere kilometer unna også. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

En representant fra Dedrone forklarer deltakerne på Security Summit 2022 hva de ser på skjermen, som var satt opp i en lagerbygning på havnen i Sandnes. Til høyre Anders Martinsen fra UAS Norway. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

Slik ser et skjermbilde fra Dedrone sitt deteksjonssystem ut. Fra havnen i Sandnes.Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

En DJI Matrice 30 drone fra UAS Norway i luften ved deteksjonssystemene til Dedrone.. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

En optisk sensor fra Dedrone. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

Kraftig vind, snø og frysende temperatur hindret ikke konferansedeltakerne fra å se nærmere på sensorene fra Dedrone. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

Den danske leverandøren Lorenz Technology vise frem flyvende og kjørende droner som kan brukes til overvåking av store områder. Dronene kan operere både autonomt og fjernstyres fra hvor som helst i verden. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

Kristian Skaarup fra Lorentz Technology forklarer hvordan den kjørende og flyvende dronen samarbeider. Han og deltakerne på Security Summit 2022 søkte tilflukt i en lagerbygning på havnen i Sandnes under demonstrasjonen. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

Utstyr for å «skyte mot» og ta kontroll over en drone demonstreres på havnen i Sandnes. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

Fra utstillingsområdet ved konferansesalen under Security Summit 2022, her en droneradar fra nederlandske Robin Radar Systems. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen

Dette er personlig dronedeteksjonsutstyr, WINGMAN 103, en intuitive RF drone detektor fra det danske firmaet Mydefense, ble vist frem ved konferansesalen under Security Summit 2022. Foto: Hans O. Torgersen