Interpol leader Madan Oberoi takes a closer look at some of the equipment on display at the drone conference in Oslo
Foto: Trygve Indrelid, UAS Norway

Interpol chief:- We need cooperation and a common framework

- Criminals are at the forefront in the use of drones. The police must cooperate even more and involve private individuals and academics to meet the future, says Interpol leader Madan Oberoi at the Oslo summit.
Ole Dag Kvamme

The Indian-born top manager of Interpol has since 2019 led the agency’s investment in drones. He’s frustrated over the enormously different laws and regulations that apply to their 195 member states.

– The development has been rapid in recent years, but it has been even faster on the criminal side.
As in all technological areas, criminals are faster in adapting to the use of drones, Oberoi says to Dronemagasinet.

One of the police’s drone pilots during the demonstration of how Norwegian police can use drones both outdoors and indoors during a fire in a ferry. PHOTO: Trygve Indrelid, UAS Norway

Interpol cruise on the fjord

The first day of Interpol’s expert conference on drones, IDES 2022, opened on Monday morning.

The participants in Interpol’s large drone conference got to see Oslo from the fjord on board one of Ruter’s electric ferries. PHOTO: Trygve Indrelid, UAS Norway

Ruter boss Bernt Reitan-Jensen is looking forward to the future, and has a clear idea of ​​what he is looking for:

– I’m not afraid of technology. It has a fantastic speed. We changed the technology on this ferry
six months ago, but spent 1.5 years laying the electric cable in the sea, so everything goes
not as fast. Our vision is to develop sustainable solutions to meet the requirement of freedom of movement themselves, says Reitan-Jensen.

He is concerned with community, not the few and rich:

– We mean everyone’s freedom to move, not just the few, says Reitan-Jensen.

So the key to drones is no longer cool drones that can do amazing things. They already exist. The need is more to integrate different companies from different sectors that can provide services with more common standards.

Police Chief Roxana Kennedy from Chula Vista in California told earlier in the day about how the police there developed drones as a first response based on emergency calls. Today, the station flies around 500 missions a month, to get an overview of places before police arrive.

– At first we used the police to handle the drones, but it became too boring for them. We have today
collaboration with a private company, and it was important to find the right company, said Roxane Kennedy. Today, the police fly the drones, while civilians handle and maintain the systems.

«Bad things»

– The structure around the drone industry and common solutions are important, Madan Oberoi added.

Interpol leader Madan Oberoi (left) and police chief Roxana Kennedy of Chula Vista, California (far right) during the summary aboard Ruter’s electric ferry. PHOTO: Trygve Indrelid, UAS Norway

When challenged on the police’s possible use of drones for deliveries, Oberoi pointed out that criminals environments are ahead.

– The use of drones for the delivery of goods is already underway, especially misuse. Drones today deliver only «bad things, ”said Oberoi, as a humorous reminder that the drone industry must hang on.

Kennedy also reminded of the problem of legal regulation. Even in California they use DJI drones, but now Florida has ruled that Chinese drones should not be used, which Kennedy believes is strong

Kennedy also reminded of the problem of legal regulation. Even in California they use DJI drones, but now Florida has ruled that Chinese drones should not be used, which Kennedy believes is strong

Even the Chula Vista police were lucky to get into an early test program with the US
the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA).

Will team up with manned aviation

Heidi Gåskjenn from Nordic Unmanned is concerned with joint cooperation between manned and unmanned aviation. The company has started regular cargo flights from the mainland to platforms in the North Sea.

– We must work side by side with manned aviation, be able to work together and have common strategies.

The use of DJI drones has been discussed in the US police. The drones from the large Chinese manufacturer are also used in Norway. Here from one of the demonstrations during the Interpol conference in Oslo. PHOTO: Trygve Indrelid, UAS Norway

Interpol calls for cooperation

In an interview after the summary, Madan Oberoi admits that he has never been to Norway before, and perhaps even more relevant: He does not fly drones himself.

He is impressed with the Norwegian environment, how the private sector and public needs go together in ecosystems that work.

– In Norway and the countries around here, we see that the environment for development and cooperation between private and public is excellent. A lot of the work we see as important actually happens here, he says. When asked what he thinks, Oberoi points to the awareness and willingness to cooperate in the police with private companies.

He points to three key areas: Cooperation on the best solutions among police authorities use of drones. We must learn from each other’s mistakes. Secondly, the importance of involving private individuals companies to develop solutions, and for three thirds, cooperation with academia and the authorities.

– What about the discussion about different countries’ relations with DJI, such as in Florida, where you regret that you can not use Chinese drones?

– It is not on my side to comment on such questions, it is up to each country, says Oberoi.

Cooperation between different countries and different standards is a headache for Interpol, which must be addressed to 195 member countries with some major differences.

– We need interoperable measures, and we will offer different countries information in order to create legislation which can be used in different areas – feel free to call them guidelines, says Oberoi.